The Holland Government Scholarship 2022-2023 is designed for international students to support them in their higher studies in netherlands and it is such an excellent opportunity for worldwide students if they want to study in Europe. - have you seen this Scholarships in Switzerland 2022/23 without IELTS | Study in Switzerland

Introduction of Government of Holland Funded Scholarships 2022:

The Holland Government Scholarship 2022-2023 program is for international students from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) who demonstrate a strong motivation and interest to complete a bachelor's or master's degree in the Netherlands. Are you fully prepared for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? Fill out an application for the Holland Scholarship 2022-2023.

Applications for the Government of Holland Scholarships 2022 are now being accepted by the Ministry of Holland. Overseas students from all around the globe can apply for a Holland Government Scholarship to study for a Bachelor's or Master's degree at one of the country's 21 governmental educational institutions. The Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science, as well as many Dutch research institutions and institutions of applied sciences, are funding this fellowship. There are numerous scholarships available in Holland that do not require IELTS.

The Holland Scholarship 2022-2023 is offered by the Dutch Ministry of Education to a total of 41 academic institutions. The Netherlands is a fantastic destination for students and a great choice. There are almost 2,100 English-language courses available. In Holland, you can explore any field of study, as well as any course or major. The Netherlands Government Scholarship 2022-23 does not charge a processing fee. Holland is the globe's 6th joyous nation.

Holland is a European country that is a member of the European Union. There are numerous more scholarships for the years 2022 to 23 available in Europe that do not require IELTS. The Dutch education system is recognized as one of the world's best educational destinations. Studying in Holland can provide you with excellent value for your money. Are you ready for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of the year 2022? Fill out an application for the Holland Scholarship 2022-2023!.Below you will find complete details about the Government of Holland Scholarships 2022-23.


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Brief detail about the Government of Holland Funded Scholarships 2022:

Country: Holland

Host organization: Dutch Ministry of Education

Degree program: Bachelors & Masters.

Eligibility: International students

Nature: Funded

Duration: 1 year

Session period: 2022-2023

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Available majors and fields for Government of Holland Funded Scholarships 2022:

All educational disciplines and majors that are fully authorized are available through the Holland Government Scholarship 2022-2023 for Overseas Students from all around the world.

Holland Government scholarships 022-2023 for overseas students from all across the world are available in all subject areas for bachelor's and master's programs.

  1. Agriculture and Environment
  2. Economics, Commerce, Management, and Accounting
  3. Engineering
  4. General Programs
  5. Health Care, Social Service, and Care Services
  6. Health Catering, Tourism, Leisure, Transport and Logistics
  7. Humanities, Social Sciences, Communication, and Arts
  8. Law, Public Administration, Public Order and Safety
  9. Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Computer Science
  10. Teacher Training


Benefits of the Government of Holland Funded Scholarships 2022:

The Holland Government Scholarship 2022-2023 is valued at €5,000. This will be given to you throughout your first year of studies in holland. Please keep in mind that this is not a full-tuition Holland Government Scholarship 2022-2023.

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On November 1, 2021, the registration process for Holland Government Scholarship 2022-2023 for the educational year 2022-2023 will activate. The closing date to apply for Holland Government Scholarship 2022-2023 is either February 1st, 2022 or, May 1st, 2022.

Eligibility criteria:

  1. One's citizenship is not from the European Economic Area.
  2. You can enroll in one of the collaborating Dutch institutions of higher learning for a full-time bachelor's or master's degree program.
  3. You satisfy the standards of the college or university you want to pursue. These can be accessed on the institution's official website.
  4. You do not hold a diploma from any Dutch educational institute.


List of universities:

The Dutch Ministry of Education has established a total of 41 universities under the Holland Scholarship 2022-23 program, which grants scholarships for bachelor's and master's degrees in Holland.

Participating Research Universities:

  1. Leiden Universit
  2. Utrecht University
  3. University of Groningen
  4. Erasmus University Rotterdam
  5. Maastricht University
  6. VU Amsterdam
  7. Radboud University
  8. Tilburg University
  9. Delft University of Technology
  10. Eindhoven University of Technology
  11. University of Twente
  12. Wageningen University
  13. Protestant Theological University
  14. Theological University Apeldoorn
  15. Theological University

Participating Applied Sciences Universities:

  1. Aeres University of Applied Sciences
  2. Amsterdam University of the Arts
  3. ArtEZ Institute of the Arts
  4. Breda University of Applied Sciences
  5. Codarts Rotterdam
  6. Driestar educated
  7. Fontys University of Applied Sciences
  8. Gerrit Rietveld Academie (pdf, 400 kB)
  9. The Hague University of Applied Sciences
  10. Hanze University of Applied Sciences
  11. Hotelschool The Hague
  12. Royal Academy of Art, The Hague
  13. Inholland University of Applied Sciences
  14. Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
  15. HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
  16. Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
  17. HAN University of Applied Sciences
  18. HKU University of Applied Sciences
  19. HZ University of Applied Sciences
  20. Saxion University of Applied Sciences
  21. NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences
  22. Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences
  23. Zuyd University of Applied Sciences

Holland Universities Without IELTS:

The top seven higher education institutions in Holland that do not demand an IELTS certification are shown below. You may send your former university's English Proficiency Language Certification.

  1. University of Amsterdam
  2. Wageningen University & Research
  3. University of Groningen
  4. Leiden University
  5. Erasmus University Rotterdam
  6. Utrecht University
  7. Radboud University


The closing date to apply for Holland Government Scholarship 2022-2023 is either February 1st, 2022, or May 1st, 2022.

How to apply?

The registration procedure is conducted exclusively online for Holland Government Scholarship 2022-2023. You can enroll in academic institutions in Holland directly. Feel free to consult the Netherlands Scholarship's official website to enroll for Holland Government Scholarship 2022-2023

ScholarshipsTree Network wishes you good luck for your future success!

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